by Kate | Nov 21, 2017 | connectedness, Gratitude, Love, meditation
Last week, I was privileged to hear psychologist and Dharma practitioner Rick Hanson speak (online). His topic: Neurodharma: Practicing Meditation with the Brain in Mind According to Hanson, there are three basic needs that we share with all animals: safety,...
by Kate | Oct 25, 2017 | Gratitude, kind promises
Recently, at a meditation retreat, they piped in three different sound streams. Meditators were surrounded by two kinds of music and one foreign language radio station while they were encouraged to still their minds. The cacophony blended to a sort of sound landscape...
by Kate | Oct 17, 2017 | Chronic healing, chronic illness, Gratitude
It is gratitude month – the month where I consider the kind promise “I will appreciate blessings.” I have been reading about practicing gratitude here and here (among others). One of the things I like about practicing the promises is the way that I get to give each...
by Kate | Oct 11, 2017 | Gratitude, kind promises
If you look online, it’s easy to find ideas for practicing gratitude. (Check this and that, for example.) Each day, when I go to my computer, I make a note of something for which I have been grateful in the last 24 hours. In addition, I am practicing “gratitude...
by Kate | Oct 20, 2016 | Delight of the day, Gratitude, kind promises
If you go to the website of Greater Good Science Center at the University of California, Berkeley, you will find that one of their core themes is gratitude. In fact, their multiyear Expanding Gratitude Project seeks to expand the science and practice of gratitude....
by Kate | Oct 12, 2016 | Gratitude, joy, kind promises, meditation
Yesterday, I heard columnist David Brooks on the radio describing a moment he experienced as he watched his children playing in the yard: “It’s one of those moments when life and time feel like they’re suspended. I had a feeling of being overwhelmed with gratitude....