At the end of a class in 2011, Jan Lundy asked “what kind promises will you make to yourself?” The phrase “kind promises” lit a fire in me. I immediately wrote 12 promises and vowed to work my way through one each month. I’ve been organizing my thinking and blogging that way ever since.

For 2025 I am using the 12 elements of joy identified by the folks at Joy Lab. I’ve created a promise for each element. I’ll blog about the promise each Wednesday for the month before the element and report what I’ve learned in my newsletter which comes out the first Saturday of the following month.

January – inspiration

I will seek inspiration attentively. Everything can be a source of inspiration if I keep watch for it.

February – savoring

I will savor precious moments. I have heard savoring described as “swishing an experience around in your mind the way a sommelier samples a wine.” I want to savor the moments when I am happy or awestruck.

March – equanimity

I will welcome everything and return to balance. Equanimity is not as steady state. It’s the ability to return to balance after being upset. I can get away from grasping, rejecting, and ignorance by welcoming everything.

April – resilience

I will adapt and thrive, even when it’s difficult. When the pandemic was raging, I studied and taught about resilience. It helped us get through those lonely and uncertain times.

May – hope

I will stay open to possibility. Buddhists have a saying: “no hope, no fear” because both project into the future when we want to stay right here, right now. Staying open is letting go of negative thoughts about the future.

June – curiosity

I will wonder how it is for you, how it works, and why. Curiosity is a superpower in relationships and opens us up to a wide eyed appreciation of life.

July – awe

I will treasure the mystery. Very big and very small things move me to awe.

August –fun (play)

I will look for lightness and humor. Almost everything can be a game if I have the right attitude.

September – love

I will love without keeping score. I’ve been using this kind promise for years and it always brings lessons.

October – compassion

I will be with those who are suffering. Compassion means “to feel with.” It doesn’t imply that I can fix anything, but I can accompany those who are having a hard time, listening and witnessing.

November – gratitude

I will appreciate blessings. Here’s another familiar promise. Each moment is pregnant with gifts. May I not take some for granted.

December – sympathetic Joy

I will convert jealousy to sympathetic Joy. This is an important promise for me as I live with quadriplegia. It’s easy to descend into self-pity. I’m better off if I remember to practice mudita.

I look forward to exploring these promises in the coming year.