we want to make it better
The Beatles sang “we all want to save the world” and “take a sad song and make it better.” They recognized that people acting from the best parts of themselves want to improve their world. It’s a natural part of compassion. It’s how and for whom to make it better that...
Five ways to practice reinvention
This month, I’ve been considering the promise to “reinvent whimsically.” I have it as an annual reminder, but the ideal is to practice reinvention on an ongoing basis. It’s great to establish routines that support physical and mental well-being. But sometimes routines...
Reinvention when you are ill
When you are dealing with significant health challenges, your whole world gets rearranged. You may feel lousy, so you want to do less. You must spend more time and effort visiting doctors’ offices. You may feel strong emotions – fear, anger, sadness – moving through...
How do you want your life to look?
You are the painter of the landscape of your life. We all have givens… Those things that we can’t change about our lives: the circumstances into which we were born, the bodies we inhabit, consequences of choices we already made, or actions already taken. We are where...
practicing surrender
We like to imagine we are in control. The dominant culture encourages us to decide what we want, plan to go after it, and work hard to achieve it. We want to be go getters. The cost of that outlook is often anxiety, ill health, and loneliness. What is meant to bring...
Surrendering “control” when you are ill
Especially in the US, we believe that we are each responsible for our own success. Through careful planning and hard work, we believe we can reach professional and personal fulfillment. “Every day, and in every way, I’m getting better and better,” we chant (a mantra...
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