by Kate | Jun 17, 2015 | kind promises, Uncategorized
Kind promise: I will be tender with weaknesses. “When it comes to the crusty behavior of some people, give them the benefit of the doubt. They may be drowning right before your eyes, but you can’t see it. And you’d never ask someone to drown with a smile...
by Kate | Jun 18, 2014 | kind promises, Uncategorized
Kind promise: I will share strengths. I often find myself feeling “sick and tired” these days. Sick and tired is large and loud. It takes up a huge amount of space in my being, often to the exclusion of anything else. That is why this month’s kind promise is...
by Kate | May 13, 2014 | Creativity, kind promises
Kind promise: I will be tender with weaknesses. Recently, I was admiring the lettering in a design—how lovely it was in its unevenness. Flowing across the paper, the ink caught on some surfaces and not others. It was the work of a calligrapher. There are fonts on my...
by Kate | May 6, 2014 | chronic illness, Disability, kind promises, Surrender, Uncategorized
Kind Promise: I will be tender with weaknesses. Last Easter Sunday I witnessed a miracle: Two pews ahead of me, a 10-month-old girl was interacting with the 83-year-old woman sitting in the pew behind her. The baby, held in her mother’s arms, reached over mom’s...
by Kate | Jun 27, 2012 | Forgiveness, kind promises, Surrender, Uncategorized
Kind Promise: I will be tender with weaknesses. I yelled at my husband the other day. I was swearing and shouting. This was Not Good and it made both of us feel pretty awful. It didn’t change any part of the situation that set me off. Then I had an aha moment. I...