by Kate | Aug 12, 2014 | kind promises, Transformation, Uncategorized
Kind Promise: I will reinvent whimsically. Whimsy is a wonderful word – just saying it blows a gust of curly wind through a mind that tends to furrow around life’s challenges. I’ve just taken a tour through my “bug list” and found movement on each one. Easy fixes are...
by Kate | Aug 5, 2014 | kind promises, Transformation, Uncategorized
Kind Promise: I will reinvent whimsically. This promise is an invitation to think about what’s not working in my life (or what I wish would work better) and experiment with changing it. It is perhaps my most practical promise. It’s sort of like doing laundry with my...
by Kate | Feb 11, 2014 | Uncategorized
Kind Promise: I will surrender patiently. This Kind Promise works best supported by two others: I will surrender patiently, reinvent whimsically and advocate courageously. These promises answer the question: What happens when life doesn’t go as I planned? They are a...
by Kate | Mar 23, 2012 | joy, monsters, Transformation
There is a part of my mind that reflexively comes up with unhelpful comments and attitudes about what’s going on. I call it my “monster mind.” It says things like, “it will never work,” “I will always be miserable,” and the...