How do you want your life to look?

How do you want your life to look?

You are the painter of the landscape of your life. We all have givens… Those things that we can’t change about our lives: the circumstances into which we were born, the bodies we inhabit, consequences of choices we already made, or actions already taken. We are where...
journaling through change

journaling through change

This month, I am working with the kind promise “I will reinvent whimsically.” I am asking what changes I want or need to make in my life. What would I like to do differently? I see a physiatrist once a year. (Think “rehab doctor.”) She asks me “what’s bugging you?”...
surfing despair

surfing despair

When I lived in North Carolina, a tree fell on my neighbor’s car. He was upset and hired some guys to cut down many of the tall pine trees on his property. I cowered in the house that day, cringing at the sound of the chainsaws and the toppling trees. It felt like...
You can change your mind

You can change your mind

My mind is my biggest playground. Since I am quadriplegic, there’s not much I can change about my body, how it works (or doesn’t), or what it does. My body slips like an otter into the pool of “things I cannot change.” I am left with mind and spirit as potential...