by Kate | Aug 13, 2013 | Uncategorized
I learn about starting over from meditation. I intend to keep my attention on the breath, but it wanders off, planning my day, wondering about relationships, imagining character improvements. My task is to let those thoughts go and return my attention to my breath....
by Kate | Jun 11, 2013 | Uncategorized
Kind promise: I will release and receive. (Breathe) I recently listened to Andrew Weil speak about breath. Our aim, he said, should be to make our breaths deeper, slower, quieter and more regular. He suggested we practice whenever it occurs to us – in the middle of a...
by Kate | Mar 19, 2013 | Uncategorized
Kind Promise: I will experience this moment. Yesterday, I watched an interview with artist Ann Rea, whom I admire because she does beautiful work and markets her work creatively. By the end of the interview, however, I found myself blowing a raspberry in her...
by Kate | Apr 13, 2012 | chronic illness, Disability, kind promises, mindfulness
“I embrace this moment” is a wonderful idea, but I’m having trouble with the implementation. I spend much of my time planning for the future and, considering the circumstances of my life right now, that makes sense. My husband just got a new job, my...
by Kate | Mar 30, 2012 | chronic illness, Creativity, Disability, Forgiveness, kind promises, Transformation
When I first began walking with a cane, I would watch others with a real sense of witnessing a miracle. My ankle joint no longer worked (“drop foot”) and I used the cane to steady my uneven gait. Other people were able to lift their foot completely off the...