Do be a do bee; Don’t be a don’t bee.

Do be a do bee; Don’t be a don’t bee.

I am contemplating the Buddhist paramita of discipline this month. Another facet of meaning of the word in this context is ethics and morality. Traditionally, there are three categories of ethics: refraining from negative actionsdoing what is positivehelping others...
What attitudes and actions support you?

What attitudes and actions support you?

When I’m feeling uncertain, I reach for structure. (Twenty years ago, in the days immediately following the 9/11 terrorist attacks, I cleaned my house. I realized after the fact that I was imposing order where I could on a disordered world.) Recent health challenges...
self-compassion journaling prompts

self-compassion journaling prompts

Psychologist Kristin Neff says there are three elements to self-compassion: self-kindness vs. self-judgmentcommon humanity vs. isolationmindfulness vs. overidentification Here are some journaling prompts designed to help you explore and practice those elements. Bring...
9 steps toward improving your well-being

9 steps toward improving your well-being

The Better Health Channel, a website funded by the Victorian government in Australia, they describe well-being as “how you feel about yourself and your life. Happily, for those of us who live with significant health challenges, it doesn’t require any particular level...