You are the painter of the landscape of your life.

We all have givens… Those things that we can’t change about our lives: the circumstances into which we were born, the bodies we inhabit, consequences of choices we already made, or actions already taken.

We are where we are.

Author Resmaa Menakem reminds us that “we live in a time of great peril and great possibility. We do not and cannot know what will emerge. As the future unfolds, we can act from the best parts of ourselves.”

What do you want your life to look like? The choices you make and the actions you take will help determine your life’s design.

This month’s kind promise is “I will reinvent my life whimsically.”

In your journal:

Make a list of what’s important to you. What do you like about your life? What’s working well? What’s not going well? What do you wish could be different? Who is important? What relationships are you nurturing?

This is a good time to apply the serenity prayer: grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. There are circumstances beyond your control.

If nothing else, you control your attitude. What stories are you telling about your life? What stories do you want to tell?

Spend some time daydreaming. What would a perfect day look like? A perfect month? Jot some notes.

Run some experiments: what if you did this instead of that? What if…?

You can live with constant improvisation or make tiny changes in tiny areas. You are the artist.May you take delight in the picture as it emerges.