by Kate | Feb 4, 2020 | kind promises, mindfulness
Jon Kabat-Zinn, founder of Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR), a process that is helped many people deal with chronic pain, says “Mindfulness means paying attention in a particular way; on purpose, in the present moment, and...
by Kate | Mar 26, 2019 | kind promises, mindfulness
now that I have dropped below the level of words it is hard to return what can I say to invite us you and me to move more deeply into our lives? – – what is there to keep me here in the quiet of my life? the robin outside my window chirps for no reason it knows – –...
by Kate | Mar 19, 2019 | kind promises, mindfulness
It is time to let go of my thirst for accomplishment and slowly, gently sink into this moment nowhere to go nothing to prove branches scrape love songs on the winter sky – – – – – – – – Welcome to this moment a new, new normal each day begins checking symptoms do my...
by Kate | Mar 12, 2019 | kind promises, mindfulness
Sometimes you forget your own truth the lives you see lived only a click away seem so much brighter and bolder and richer than yours you think you want that but center down feel the air moving past your nostrils this is your life here and now how will you live it?...
by Kate | Mar 6, 2019 | kind promises, mindfulness
In this moment in this place in this body I am wistful over days when I could leap into action. That was then. In THIS moment the motors of the garage doors clickety grind as Neighbors come and go they have someplace else to be I am herein this placein this body in...
by Kate | Apr 20, 2018 | mindfulness
My thoughts are clouds and I am the sky. My thoughts are fish and I am the ocean. Pop-ups lure me to something different but I am writing this poem My phone murmurs other options but I am writing this poem. I want to sit and watch the river. there was a waterfall...