Creativity Cookies – Entertain your Ideas

Creativity Cookies – Entertain your Ideas

Welcome to Creativity Cookies, your monthly invitation to creative action! The BIG IDEA for this month is In an article in Psychology Today, author Nancy K. Napier suggests we encourage each other, when we offer ideas, by saying, “tell me more” Sadly, many...
Creativity Cookies – Entertain your Ideas

Creativity Cookies: Let go.

Welcome to Creativity Cookies, your monthly invitation to creative action! The BIG IDEA for this month, courtesy of creative sprinkle, Gary Hirsch, is One of Gary’s creative practices is letting go of judgment, control and your own agenda. (Really, you gotta watch the...

>Eight Things to do instead of giving up

>In the last few weeks, I have come very close to giving up. Completely. Turn my face to the wall and wait to die. I have managed to change my mind, but it has taken work.It was a tough winter. I spent the first week of December in the hospital and the following six...
>Claiming my True Identity

>Claiming my True Identity

>Terry Pratchett has written one of my favorite characters: a failed wizard named Rincewind. Rincewind can’t correctly spell wizard and, most of the time, can’t do any magic. (A Great Spell has taken up residence in his mind, refusing any other spells...