This month, I’ve been considering the promise to “reinvent whimsically.” I have it as an annual reminder, but the ideal is to practice reinvention on an ongoing basis. It’s great to establish routines that support physical and mental well-being. But sometimes routines become soul-sucking rules. Here are five ways out of the swamp.

  1. Don’t take yourself too seriously. Losing your sense of humor is one sign that you are feeling overburdened. Reaching for an attitude of delight gives you energy and makes space for change.
  2. Ask “what if…” What are your biggest challenges? What’s bugging you? Instead of doing what you’ve always done, what could you do differently? What if your challenge is really a gift? Meet your situation with tender curiosity.
  3. Dare to enter the dark cave. – Sometimes we are so determined to be positive, we do ourselves a disservice. You may need to recognize and express feelings of grief and anger before you are able to move on.
  4. Be willing to make “mistakes.” – Trying something new means things will be different. Maybe you’ll like it, maybe you won’t. Don’t jump to judgment. Live with what happens for a while and see how things evolve. I like the word “experiment.” If you learn something, it’s a success.
  5. Assume things will change. Living things are constantly changing. Habits and solutions need to flex as they do. Reassessment and reinvention are an ongoing cycle.

If you find yourself stuck in worn-out routines or floundering without direction, reinventing the way you do things may help. Ask questions. Try new things. Play with possibilities. It’s an energizing and joyful way of life.

May your reinventions make you smile.

In your journal:

  • Find five delights from your week.
  • Think I want issue that’s bugging you. Write down 10 “what if…” questions.
  • Scribble your anger; paint your loss.
  • What experiment would you like to conduct?
  • Make a list of everything that has changed for you in the last week or month or year.