To help each kind promise settle into my bones, I want to make a practice of it. What can I do on a daily basis to keep the promise alive in my life?
This month’s promise is “I will live with joy for no apparent reason.” This calls me to find joy in each moment, regardless of my outer circumstances.
One practice that helps me bring this promise to life is to find and name a “Delight of the Day” each day. It used to be part of my daily practice, but lately, I’ve let it go. It’s time to revive it.
Very simply, I want to watch for those moments when the corners of my mouth turn up, when I feel my heart lift, when I am absorbed in the flow. Those are moments I want to stop and savor. It might help the savoring if I write it in my journal – not just a phrase but enough language that I am trying to capture the moment.
I love the word “practice.” If I’m practicing, I can let go of any expectations of perfection. I take on “beginner’s mind.” I’m making a promise (inside the promise) to notice and write. When I mess up and skip a day, there is no need to punish or shame myself. Instead, it’s an opportunity to practice self-compassion. I can release any “not enough” feelings, recommit myself to the practice, think about whether renegotiation is necessary (is daily too often? Would I be more successful writing every other day?) and return to it.
Finding and noting a Delight of the Day is one way to add more joy to each day.