Home from the hospital, Big Emotions assail me.

I cannot do what I once did. I grieve the loss. I rage over the loss.

What to do with this grief? What to do with this rage?

When I was young, I would have pretended they didn’t exist. I was raised to believe a sign of adulthood was not having emotions. Dramatic soul that I am, I felt ashamed to feel. I grieved my grief. My rage enraged me. My shame deepened.

I still respond that way, but only for a moment. I have learned…

I have learned that while emotions are real, they are not The Whole Truth.

I have learned to open space for these emotions.

“Breathing in, I see myself as space; breathing out, I feel free.” (Thích Nhất Hạnh)

Picture: ESO/T. Preibisch / Rex Features

Picture: ESO/T. Preibisch / Rex Features

In the images from outer space, I recognize my inner space – mysterious, simultaneously cluttered and empty, nebulous.

In the spaciousness, I find beauty.

In the spaciousness, I find peace.