Delights of the Day ~

As I go through my day, I watch for moments when the corners of my mouth turn up and my heart lifts. I note these moments of delight  in my journal and consider their patterns  here. I encourage you to be on the lookout for your Delight of the Day.

Here I am again, with another opportunity for a Fresh Start. Another chance to release my judgments against myself for having let a practice fall away, recommit to practicing, and return to take the next step. There is delight in this practice – rejoicing at I do not have to be hard on myself but, instead, can remember who it is I want to be in return to the journey I have chosen.

It has been a busy time and I have been spending far too much time thinking about the future and therefore being anxious. When I live in the moment, taking next step after next step, everything goes well. My delights this week include:

** the good news of a friend’s new job

** meeting old and new wildflower friends on our walk at the Minnesota Valley Wildlife Sanctuary

** discussing the difference between needs and wants in the ESL classroom and with a bus driver

** the kindness of people at my dentist’s office

** an excellent training for the literacy Council volunteers

** a friend’s courage in the midst of mental illness

**  a play date with my daughter

As always, noticing and naming that which brings me gladness adds richness to my life.

May you find delight in each day.
