PaintingKind promise: I will open to each moment.


This month, I choose to remember mindfulness.


I want enter each moment with my hands empty and my mind open. No expectations. No judgments. As soon as I notice either, I want to drop it and return to the present moment. Breathe in. Breathe out. All is well.


By choosing joy, I am bringing warmth and lightness into the moment.
By beaming love, I am greeting each one I encounter with tender compassion.
By breathing peace, I am relaxing and returning to the breath.


When I lose my way, which I am guaranteed to do, I release any judgments or thoughts I have about how I should’ve done it differently. I remember and recommit to my intention. I return to mindful attention to this moment.


There is a part of me that resists the notion that it can be this simple. Silly me! There is nothing difficult about this moment. This situation, this emotion, this sensation… All are quite simple if taken in their purest form. There is nothing difficult about this moment.