kind promise: I will advocate courageously.
I am thinking, this morning, about what it means to act with compassion (because of last week’s post about showing up and speaking out).
Suppose I have shown up and spoken out. Now I need to let go of all attachment to controlling what happens next.
Probably the first thing that will happen is the appearance of a monster squealing about how I should’ve kept my mouth shut. I am beginning to get familiar with this monster, the Vulnerability Hangover Monster. I have dared to be seen. I have taken a stand. These are both vulnerable positions and my monsters would like to protect me from such risk. The VHM shows up to remind me not to do it again. But growth is worth risk. Pat that monster on its little head, give it a hug and some warm milk and send it on its way.
Sometimes people will agree with what I said and, together, we can take action and perhaps change the world. Sometimes they will disagree or disregard my words and nothing will change. Compassion is about loving all of us, no matter what happens.
Yay, hooray I get to work with other people to change the world. I keep my heart open to our funny little ways. I keep my heart open to our fears and stumbling first steps and the voices that say we are not enough. I take the next step and the next step and keep the parts moving with release, recommitment and return
Crap, this is not what I hoped would happen. Am I wrong? Maybe so. Think about it. Talk about it. Maybe it’s time to let go. Maybe there are apologies to be made. Forgive with wild abandon. Maybe I’m not wrong, but this is the wrong place, the wrong time, the wrong people. Release, recommit and experiment with a different place, different time, different people.
Through it all. breathe consciously and envision my heart opening.