As I go through my day, I watch for moments when the corners of my mouth turn up and my heart lifts. I note these moments of delight in my journal and consider their patterns here. I encourage you to be on the lookout for your Delight of the Day.
Yesterday a katydid landed on my arm. (I didn’t know what it was – I looked it up later.)
I watched its little face and leaf-like body for a few minutes and then invited it to fly away. (It did.) Life and the wild abundance of it delight me. The varieties of forms and colors lift me, beyond pain and weariness.
Even momentary delights leave a lasting glow. When I recall them, the smile and relaxation come back to me.
Noticing and naming my joy and then remembering it later – holding it up like a treasured vase and turning it in the sunlight – add to its life-giving power.
May you find delight in each day.