Kind promise: I will reinvent whimsically.
Reinvention is a hopeful activity. It believes in the possibility of positive change. With hope comes an up-swoop of energy. I can do this. Things can be better. It’s heady stuff.
Riding on that energy, it’s easy to say yes to too much. The allure of the adrenaline rush overcomes me and I overcommit.
That’s where things stand now. On one hand, I am happy and busy. On the other, I am exhausted. I need to reinvent my reinvention.
Release. Reconsider. Recommit. Return.
I am tempted to criticize myself for taking on too much. Deep breaths. Forgive with wild abandon.
Before I commit to continuing, I may need to adjust the way I’m doing things.
I want one of my top priorities to be relationships and connection. Remember: I am not here to get things done; I am here to love. As I reconsider, I realize I have fallen into old patterns of accomplishment. Some areas I want to change are about deepening relationships. Others (getting off email lists) are about spending less time with trivia, so I can spend more time with people.
All of my reinvention activities this month could be summed up in one mantra: be with people.
Be – not do or control, or change, but be.
With – not distracted or inpatient, but open and spacious.
That is worth commitment. Going forward, I will be with people.