As I go through my day, I watch for moments when the corners of mouth turn up and my heart lifts. I note these moments of delight, capture them in my Journal and log them here. I encourage you to be on the lookout for your Delight of the Day.
This has been a week of beauty and creativity and connection. They form a cycle that supports me like breath.
When I pay attention, beauty surrounds me. That beauty sparks a response in me. I want to create something beautiful. The creation feels incomplete until I share it with someone else. A soul-to-soul connection feeds us both and makes the world a better place. What a beautiful cycle!
I spent time with the women of the MS Society Upper Midwest Women’s conference; and with my daughter>> courage, healing and humor
Easter Sunday and 70°!>>Celebrate life!
spider crawling along the railing>>Beauty, Nature teaches…
the views from Marshall Street>>Beauty
Posted on this blog>>Thinking it through, Soul sharing
Designed a logo for a church program>>Creative expression
An online conversation sparked new working definitions: Creativity= exploring and expressing one’s soul.
Art= connecting from one’s soul to another’s.>>Thinking it through
May you find delight each day.