As I go through my day, I watch for moments when the corners of mouth turn up and my heart lifts. I note these moments of delight, capture them in my Journal and log them here. I encourage you to be on the lookout for your Delight of the Day.
I have a newfound intention to cherish each person I am with. I am also suffering from the winter blahs.
When I remember to cherish, my life is enriched. Several times this week I have been touched and awed by the women around me. Their talents, humor and strength made me wonderstruck.
The snow is brown; sidewalks alternate between swamps and ice rinks. I am longing for greenery. Today, I recognized a drumbeat of defeat that’s been playing in my mind lately and recommitted myself to noticing joy in my life. I’ve been journaling my delights without taking time to feel the joy. That needs to change! Once again I release (the blahs), recommit (to joy) and return to practicing true Delights of the Day.
Time with Linda, talking about writing
Time with Danae, making art
Watching the Paralympics on TV, seeing commercials featuring people with disabilities.
Reading (instead of watching TV)
Time with Alexis
Walking the dog in the almost Spring
Released some winter blahs and monster mind limitations. Recommitted to joy.
May you find delight each day