
Welcome to Creativity Cookies, your monthly invitation to creative action!

The BIG QUESTION this month, suggested by the work of artists Simon Beck and Tony Plant is:

 How can what's around me become art?

Beck tromps through snow; Plant rakes sand. Each makes art from a common material in the environment.. Their work suggests many questions, including:

  • What if you didn’t care how long your work would last?
  • How could you break your work into tiny, easy steps?
  • What natural material could you incorporate into your work?
  • What natural material could become your work?
  • How could your work become an environment?

Take a minute to ask yourself these questions or others I missed.
Starter action

Pick up something you see around you every day. Make art from it. What next?

Video MorselHere is Simon Beck in action (3:05)

Morsel to buy

One of my teachers – and cookie “creative sprinkle”– Melissa Dinwiddie, has designed a beautiful new version of her Keys to Creative Flow and is selling it as a poster for $20.

Ask big and little question – ask ask ask ask ask