Delights of the Day for the Week

I’ve been practicing what I call The Delight of the Day. Each day I watch for moments that inspire a strong feeling of gratitude and  joy within me.   I mentally label the strongest such moment The Delight of the Day.  The practice encourages what psychologists call “positive scanning.”  I’m waiting for good things to happen  and, when they do, I notice and celebrate them. The more I understand what brings me joy, the more I can drop into it.


I caught a glimpse, this week, of how social networking could be delightful. A woman contacted me by phone and then email to talk about a spiritual community she’s gathering of people with invisible disabilities. I thought of other people with whom she could connect and made virtual introductions. I enjoyed reconnecting with virtual acquaintances and connecting people with each other. How different I felt than when I am reviewing “friend” requests from people I barely know. I am moving forward with an intention of looking for those moments of celebration and connection in today’s technology.

Can you bring more joy to the time you spend online?

Here are my  Delights for this week:

!!! Had an ease-filled money conversation with my husband. This doesn’t often happen! I’m hoping the difference was that I asked specific questions, rather than expressing vague anxieties.

 Listened to a friend describe something about which he is passionate. Enthusiasm is contagious!

!!! Celebrated and mourned my last coaching group. What a privilege – to meet such wonderful women in transformational stages of their lives.

!!! A friend reported her cancer-free biopsy results!

 Renewed some old acquaintances online and made a virtual introduction. It’s fun to connect people with similar interests

 Watched the moon set amongst the skyscrapers in downtown Minneapolis. Nature is healing.

 My husband returned from an international trip. I relax into his presence.


May you move toward your joy and find delight in each day.