Pathways resources

Watercolor painting

Quick links: Journaling – – Meditation – – Body – – Mind – – Journey


Philosophical musing: Are you a body with a mind or a mind with a body? – Maryam Alimardani

Journaling benefits

10 Surprising Benefits You Get from Journaling – Huff Post

The Health Benefits Of Journaling – Psych Central

Creative Journaling

art journaling posts at createmixed

Jamie Ridler’s work with magazine journals

Online mind mapping (bubble chart)

what is an art Journal? (Mindful Arts Studio)


Susan Piver– weekly meditation videos and an online meditation community

body scan from Palouse Mindfulness MBSR (Mindfulness-based stress reduction)

loving kindness meditation from Greater Good in Action

Befriending the Body

Your aging body is a great read, TED talk by Pat Samples

Krista Tippett on being grounded in your body

Simple practices from Rick Hanson, PhD. Note, especially, the At Home in Your Body section.

mindfulness and diet – – Harvard Medical School faculty member working with self-compassion and body image.

Body & Media Lab – Renée Engeln – Northwestern University researcher working with body image. Author of Beauty Sick.

My Befriending the Body blog posts: 1 Our Beauty Sick Culture; 2 Bodies in My Family; 3 Action Steps; newsletter: fully awake, fully alive

Additional body-based journaling prompts

  • Dialogue with your inner child by writing in your sub dominant hand
  • list 10 things for which you are grateful
  • draw or write a self-portrait, capturing yourself at this moment
  • list 10 things you like about your body
  • go outside and watch a creature. What can you learn about your body?
  • List 20 ways in which your body has been/is a success
  • sing along to some music
  • put on some music and dance
  • think about an issue in your life; write about it in the third person
  • record a dream and dialogue with it
  • dialogue with a person from the past (or your past)
  • dialogue with an emotion
  • dialogue with an illness
  • dialogue with your body
  • Where are you feeling tension in your body? Write a dialogue with that area.
  • Write about your earliest body memory.
  • Write about your favorite body part.
  • What is your favorite smell? Describe where and how you last smelled it.
  • What do you remember your mother/father saying about her/his body?

Befriending the Mind

Simple practices from Rick Hanson, PhD. Note, especially, the Being a Friend to Yourself section.

Our brains and stories

Befriending the Mind Blog Posts

Befriending Your Journey

Befriending Your Journey blog posts

The Road to Resilience (American Psychological Association)

Befriending your journey 1 – questions to ask yourself about the journey

Befriending your journey 2 – peeling the onion of chronic illness