This is a book about monsters. Not the cute, laughably incompetent ones you see in animated movies, but the ones you meet in your own life: ugly thoughts, unexpected losses, inexcusable evils.At age twenty, Kate Wolfe-Jenson had already discovered her monster-mind. She was an expert at negative thinking and expecting disaster. Then she was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. Together, the monsters whipped her into a wild dance, MS tapping out fear and sadness and her monster-mind twirling it into depression, rage and grief. It seemed like the monsters would win. A decade after being diagnosed, she discovered that what she knew about the creative process could help her deal with the frustrations of living with chronic illness (and life in general). Through that understanding, she entered into a dance with illness and healing, rather than running from them.Through memoir, essay and fanciful stories, this book explores the landscape of chronic illness, describes its contours and invites you onto the dance floor.
Praise from Readers
“amazing, a beautiful blending of honesty and creativity.” Rev. Bebe Baldwin
“It rang so true for me and my journey after the cancer diagnosis.” Pat Nyman
“only those with a chronic sickness… truly know what it feels like day in and day out. I just gave up because I could never find the words. Your way works. Ed Krawiecki 15-year MS veteran

Everyone has a part to play
There’s a song* that goes “all God’s critters got a place in the choir.” The song lists many animals and the different voices they might add to a choir. In the grand work of building a better world, we each have a part to play, even those of us limited by illness....

Reinvention when you are ill
When you are dealing with significant health challenges, your whole world gets rearranged. You may feel lousy, so you want to do less. You must spend more time and effort visiting doctors’ offices. You may feel strong emotions – fear, anger, sadness – moving through...

Surrendering “control” when you are ill
Especially in the US, we believe that we are each responsible for our own success. Through careful planning and hard work, we believe we can reach professional and personal fulfillment. “Every day, and in every way, I’m getting better and better,” we chant (a mantra...
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